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Savanna Safaris Blog

A taste of South Africa

If you are worried about not finding something you will like in South Africa, let me put your minds and tummy at ease. South Africa has a wide range of cultures and with that foods for every palate. As a country they are most famously known for their high quality beef, world renowned wine, and Braais. You can find all the standard cuts of beef as well as local specialties like Springbok and Ostrich...

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My First Safari, But Not My Last

As a child, I grew up in the time when the Lion King was the most popular Disney movie and there was a connection made with these beautiful animals that would last a lifetime. I was fortunate growing up to have the opportunity to travel with my momma each summer; it was our thing! It was early in 2014 and we already had a trip planned to go to Europe, when the company we were traveling with cancelled on us...

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South African Safari Accommodations

Most people don’t quite know what to expect from the lodge for their first safari experience and this blog is designed to put your mind a bit more at ease. The lodges are anywhere from 3 to 5-star accommodation and range in size from small and private to much larger with more amenities on the grounds. The accommodation will include all meals that you will need during your time there, but most do not include beverages outside of water, tea, and coffee...

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When I Say Africa, What Do You Think?

As an outsider, I am allowed to say that what many foreigners think about Africa and especially South Africa is crazy and could not be farther from the truth. The fact is many are afraid to take this trip, even when it is on their bucket list. My question is why the fear, what is holding you back? South Africa is a leader in all aspects within Africa. They are an extremely stable country with an economy fit for the time and have every major amenity and luxury that can be found around the globe.

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